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WWF, the global environmental charity, is bringing our world back to life to create a future where people... read more >
WWF, the global environmental charity, is bringing our world back to life to create a future where people... read more >
The Future For Nature Foundation (FFN) supports young, talented, and ambitious nature conservationists committed to protecting species of wild animals and plants. We believe in the power of the individual. Therefore, we select a new generation of nature conservationists worldwide who we believe make the difference for the future of nature. Natural leaders who inspire and with their drive and ‘stubbornness’ achieve impressive results. Annually, we put three of these promising young people in the spotlight.
SOS Dolfijn is a rescue organization for cetaceans in the North sea. Based in the Netherlands the main focus is on whales, dolphins and porpoises in need of help along the Dutch coast. In the past years also animals stranded in surrounding countries have been taken into rehabilitation and advice has been given worldwide. A highly trained and experienced crew is available 24/7 to offer help and is supported by dozens of volunteers. Next to advice and operation in rescue and rehabilitation, conservation is an important part of the organization. SOS Dolfijn is completely depending on donations and sponsoring. Support our work and help us help whales and dolphins in need.
Project Growing Up is a non-profit organization that strives for educating and empowering youth in developing countries, focusing on challenging topics associated with growing up. Project Growing Up believes that knowledge and the way of teaching is the key. By reaching out to youth into their own values, traditions and culture they can use this knowledge and power to deal with difficult situations while growing up.
The Dutch foundation“Stichting Roemeense Kinderhulp”provide aid for people in bad conditions,living in Transylvania in Romania.Every year we organize a three week holiday in the Netherlands for 40 poor or underprivileged children in the age of 9–11.The main goal is to have a nice time and let the children feel they can be a child again.With our annually aid transport of relief items a lot of families will be helped with foodtickets or goods.In our children's home Tinkerbell 20 kids grow up in a family situation.There they can have a future,go to school,have a study and not only dream but really working at their own future.With your help we can make the world a little bit better. Thanks!
The Limbe Wildlife Centre (LWC) is a wildlife rehabilitation and education centre in Cameroon.The centre currently provides care to more than 250 victims of the illegal wildlife trade including 15 primate species such as gorillas,chimpanzees and drills,in addition to other threatened species such as African grey parrots and pangolins.Rescued animals often arrive to the centre malnourished and in need of urgent medical attencion after they have been seized from the illegal wildlife trade.LWC provides medical care,a place of safety and a much-needed second chance for wildlife in need.Wherever possible,the LWC aim is to return rehabilitated wildlife back to the wild. https://limbewildlife.org/
The Java Village foundation focuses on health, education and economic independence for the most vulnerable inhabitants of the Indonesian village of Cisarua. We stimulate and support local initiatives to break the vicious circle of poverty and to work together for a brighter future. Our mission The foundation bases its activities on the demands, needs and priorities of the villagers. We focus mainly on the most vulnerable groups in the village: children, youth and women who are the wage-earners of their families, ensuring that the offered will improve self-reliance and solidarity. For more information please see www.javavillage.org
We drive voluntarily for injured and sick animals and the aim is to bring the animals from a to b, eg grooming salon, holiday address, etc. we do not receive subsidies from the municipality and government, we only rely on gifts and donations from residents in our area we can purchase work clothes for the donations we receive for this any donation is welcome thank you on behalf of the animal ambulance
Out of the 1.8 million teenagers that live in the Netherlands 90% have never had the chance to hear the Gospel, the greatest story every told. We not only believe that those kids need to hear about Jesus, we think they deserve it and are 100% committed to reach them, one after the other. We want to reach kids who can't be reached by the church. Who are deaf to the Gospel. We want to befriend them, build relationships and earn the right to tell them about Jesus and open their ears and hearts for what God has to say to them. We want to be there for them and show them what unconditional love looks like. So they can be who they were intended to be and live life to the fullest.
By the Ocean we Unite is a registered Dutch charity that creates Ocean Ambassadors who are dedicated to reduce their plastic footprint. Our goal is to create systematic behavioral change with consumers, companies and politicians by showing them the beauty of our oceans and confront them with the magnitude of plastic pollution at the same time. With our own citizens' science and sailing expeditions and educational programs, we empower Ocean Ambassadors to become an activated citizen. We have been active since 2016. Since then our community of Ocean Ambassadors has been growing. You can also join our movement and help to protect our oceans, the animals and ourselves against plastic pollution.
To promote social inclusion for the public benefit by preventing people from becoming socially excluded, and assisting them to integrate into society raising public awareness of the issues affecting neurodivergent people, their parents and carers, both generally and in relation to their social exclusion; providing workshops, forums, advocacy and general, advice, information, support, range of Activities: Beneficiaries: People with disabilities, the general public/mankind, Purposes: General charitable purposes, education/training, the advancement of health or saving of lives, human rights/religious or racial harmony/equality or diversity
One of the most adventurous projects ‘People to People Foundation’ has ever embarked upon is the creation of the ‘ProRroma School’. Education is a priority for People to People because we know that better levels of education could offer poor children a future full of hope. We also know that education is a key factor in breaking the cycle of deprivation that many of these poor families face. https://bit.ly/3zfPNUN
Adamfo Ghana is a charity that is passionate about creating a better future for street children and vulnerable youth in Ghana. We work with local partners on several different projects in the country. Together we provide scholarships for children to access and complete secondary education. We support street children to get off the streets and receive vocational skills training. We also focus on empowerment and advocacy, we lobby with local authorities to create sustainable solutions for out-of-school children. Join us, these children are the future!
The mission of the Meraih Bintang Foundation is supporting underprivileged children by providing education, shelter, medical support and family care in Pangandaran, West-Java, Indonesia. In addition, the foundation focuses on improving education in general, improving the living conditions of the of the community and providing care and assistance to vulnerable elderly people. For more information please visit our website at www.meraihbintang.info or send us an e-mail: admin (at) meraih bintang.info
It is our goal to develop minorities and minority language through translating the Bible and other literature in the mother tongue and through promoting mother tongue education.
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Carers Unite is a registered NPO run by Nicole Roberts, who aims to change the world one human at a time with your help. Our aim is to assist and empower the people in the community doing good that gets over looked because they don't have all the paper work needed. We assist good doers by raising awareness on our platform and providing them with our network and resources. We share our resources and network with people who share the same vision and who believes in community upliftment and sharing. We have created an activity book that helps underprivilege children to learn how to read and write, while providing them a meal and stationary with every pack distributed
When the war in Ukraine hit, idea for www.lilpaws.shop was born. People were pleading for help, asking for money, food and supplies to save their animals. But no one knew how to help, people sent tons of money, without ever getting confirmation that the resources actually got to the people saving the animals. That's where we come in! We make sure food and supplies actually get to shelters. The process is simple and is fully described on the website. Prices are as low as possible and all expenses are included, customs, shipping, all prices include VAT. From profits, we cover only expenses and we donate everything else to save more lives. Save a life! Even one bag makes a difference!
The Stichting or Foundation Teach Nepal Project is an official charity registered in the Netherlands. Set up in 2018 to support teachers and students in Nepal, provide books and educational materials to support teaching, organise and deliver training for teachers, contribute to school improvements related to educational development and provide advice to local staff. We are working to establish computer labs into schools in the Annapurna Conservation Area in the low Himalayas. Access to computers can change the lives of the children there. Your contributions through the donations from the many companies that support charities is greatly appreciated. https://teachnepalproject.wordpress.com
WWF, the global environmental charity, is bringing our world back to life to create a future where people and nature can thrive together.
Hockey Dreams enables a better future through hockey. Community-based learning is co-created in Hockey Dreams Hubs. Coaches benefit from both formal and non-formal education. Coaches are positive role models and create a safe space for thousands of kids. Kids can engage in weekly trainings, or participate in camps or leagues. Besides hockey, there is attention to a social theme and to life skills. Together they play, share, learn and grow. Together, the coaches and players of today, are the game changers of tomorrow.
Qigong therapy for children with autism. The Qigong Therapy Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides professional training to support children and parents of children with autism and sensory processing disorder in countries with limited resources. By alleviating sensory impairment in children with autism, children gain access to normal development.
Afrika Tikkun is a non-profit organisation transforming the lives of marginalised youth in South Africa. Unemployment, poverty and discrimination are crushing issues in South Africa and with the support of local communities, our Cradle-to-Career 360° model works to achieve sustainable socio-economic futures for South Africa’s youth. We help youth from 2-35 years of age with educational support, health and nutrition, family support services and skills training and development - all with the ultimate objective of helping young people to become economically empowered and to break the cycle of poverty.
Street Tag is an innovative fitness app that turns everyday physical activity into a fun and rewarding game. Whether you’re walking, jogging, cycling, or simply exploring your neighborhood, Street Tag motivates you to stay active by turning your movements into points and rewards. Joining the Street Tag Community Prizes initiative allows you to contribute funds that directly support the rewards and prizes for our community challenges. Ready to make a difference? Donate today to support Street Tag community challenges and prizes. Together, we can continue to inspire and motivate our community through fun, fitness, and rewarding experiences.
Stitching Understanding & Development (SUED Org) is a community based Organization operating in Gilgil with projects in 16 rural schools of Nakuru, Kericho and Bomet counties. SUED actively participates in preparing a generation of young people that appreciates high moral values as a way of life. SUED takes the lead as a pillar in implementing UN Goals SDG 4 to transforming communities through books, value based education, capacity building, and climate change mitigation. The organization derives from the recognition that many children in the rural areas have limited access to books. Hardly does one find a child that has a book that is not for mainstream curriculum, but to read and expand th
Every child deserves to grow up in a stable, loving family, but for many, this is not a reality. Give a Child a Family Africa (GCF) is dedicated to supporting vulnerable families to prevent family breakdown and the separation of children from their homes. When staying with their family is not an option, GCF offers emergency placement for children in safe, nurturing environments with assessed and trained families. Committed to family-based care, GCF works to avoid institutional placements and runs a foster care programme which provides assessed and trained foster parents for children who cannot return to their own families, offering them the stability and support they need to thrive.
Rural to Action is a local youth-led community-based organization towards improving food security and nutrition among children, empowering the youth in rural Homabay, Kenya. It provides children in rural primary schools in Kenya with a cup of nutritious porridge daily to nourish and energize them for learning during school hours.