

ShopDonation is a new system that offers ongoing financial support to social projects. By redistributing commercial profits, we want to commit ourselves to supporting the good in society. You can read here exactly how this works.

We believe that the world needs new systems that can fight structural inequality and benefit the planet and its people - rather than the other way around.


It has been important to us that this concept is completely transparent and works automatically, whereby the ShopDonation team only has a facilitating role, so that the system functions without our intervention (decentrally) and generates free donations.

For example, we do not have the power to adjust or manipulate the incoming commission amounts - these are entered into our system by the webshops and automatically converted into donations. Because of this structure no one has to rely solely on our words; the system works on its own and everyone can check if it really works.


This system can only make a difference if socially concerned citizens use it, which is why in our view they are also co-owners of ShopDonation and their opinion matters to us. Thanks to the feedback from the ShopDonation community and others, we have increasingly developed the system according to everyone's wishes and we have grown faster and faster. This interaction gives us tremendous amounts of energy and enjoyment to establish this concept as well as possible - and there is a lot more to come!

Long-term connections

In addition, we hope to build long-term partnerships with all social projects and especially with the people behind them. It inspires us to be in contact with people who think in solutions, unite them and support their constructive initiatives financially. ShopDonation's international team is full of like-minded, passionate, and slightly crazy people who are committed to making it happen.

Help spread this concept

ShopDonation is getting bigger and bigger, but not everyone knows this concept yet. By telling others about ShopDonation, you help to structurally redistribute commercial bonuses to social projects.

Because we give away most of our income as a social enterprise, ShopDonation does not have a large marketing budget for expensive TV commercials or advertising campaigns. Only because people have shared the concept of ShopDonation among themselves, have we grown and been able to develop our concept further to make an ever greater impact.

That's why we thank you if you share this concept with others as well!


We are currently creating partnerships with like-minded brands to expand each other's reach. If you have a suggestion for a potential cooperation partner for ShopDonation, please let us know by emailing info@shopdonation.eu.